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- MNI FedSpeak Podcast with Pedro da Costa. On Interest Rates and Inflation Outlook, December 2024.
- Financial Times’ Global Banking Summit. Impact of Interest Rates on Banks and Bank Valuations, December 2024.
- Macro Musings with David Beckworth. Samim Ghamami on How to Reform the Treasury Market, August 2024.
- Financial Times’ Outstanding Directors Exchange. Corporate Governance, Investor Activism, Information Disclosure, and their Impact on Financial Markets and the Real Economy, June 2024.
- Samim Ghamami. U.S. Treasury Market Resilience and Central Clearing, Bretton Woods Committee, May 2024.
- MNI FedSpeak Podcast with Pedro da Costa. On the U.S. Treasury Market and Interest Rates, April 2024.
- Moody’s Talks – Inside Economics Podcast with Mark Zandi. On Public Debt and Treasury Market Reforms, January 2024.
- Samim Ghamami. Unintended Impact of LIBOR-SOFR Transition on Credit Markets and Economic Activity, July 2023.
- Samim Ghamami. On the Impact of the Pandemic-Driven Fiscal Stimulus and Monetary Policy on Inflation and Bond-Stock Comovement, July 2023.
- Samim Ghamami. A Discussion on DeFi Lending. Meta Research, Novi Economics, February 2022.
- Samim Ghamami. On Credit Sensitive Rates: AXI. Professional Risk Managers’ International Association, August 2021.
- Samim Ghamami. A Discussion on Inflation and the Fed’s New Monetary Policy Framework. PIMCO, April 2021.
- Samim Ghamami. A Discussion on Central Bank Policy Rate Cuts in the Low-for-Long Environment. PIMCO, April 2021.
- Samim Ghamami. Too-Big-To-Fail Reforms and Financial Stability. Research Note, October 2020.
- Samim Ghamami. The Unintended Impact of Swap Stays on Financial Stability. Risk Magazine, September 2020.
- Samim Ghamami. Contractionary Interest Rate Cuts. Research Note, September 2020.
- Samim Ghamami. The Unintended Impact of Collateral on Financial Stability. Risk, July 2020.
- Sean Campbell and Samim Ghamami. Building Bridges Between Savers and Borrowers During the Pandemic: Large Bank Underwriting. Financial Services Forum, July 2020.
- Sean Campbell, Samim Ghamami, and Grant Bodnar. What a Difference a Month Makes: Large Banks Hit the Mark in the Paycheck Protection Program. Financial Services Forum, June 2020.
- Sean Campbell and Samim Ghamami, Large Bank Market Making During the COVID-19 Crisis, Financial Services Forum, May 2020.
- Sean Campbell and Samim Ghamami. The Decline of Too Big to Fail. Financial Services Forum, January, 2020.
- Samim Ghamami. Rethinking Liquidity Regulation. Financial Services Forum, November, 2019.
- Samim Ghamami. Collateral Impact, Financial Services Forum, October, 2019.
- Review of OTC Derivatives Market Reform: Effectiveness and Broader Effects of the Reforms, Financial Stability Board, June, 2017.
- Regulatory Reform of Over-the-Counter Derivatives: an Assessment of Incentives to Clear Centrally, Bank for International Settlements, October, 2014.
- Samim Ghamami. Book Review: Counterparty Credit Risk by Jon Gregory, Quantitative Finance, 13 (12), 2013.
- Samim Ghamami and Sheldon Ross. Efficient Monte Carlo estimation of network reliability under certain types of component dependencies. Technical Report. Viterbi School of Engineering & CREATE Homeland Security Research Center, University of Southern California, 2010.
- Samim Ghamami and Kamran Rezaie. Six Sigma. 2nd Edition, RWTUV Asia-Germany (in Farsi), 2003.
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